Electronic dissertations are available at etda.libraries.psu.edu
Ph.D. (with first employment)
- Chia-Hao Chang, Enhancing Page Management In Tiered GPU Memory Systems, Fall 2024 (Nvidia)
- Siddhartha Balakrishna Rai, Tackling the Challenges in Enabling Processing in Memory in DDR-DRAM Systems, Fall 2024 (AMD)
- Sultan Mahmud Sajal, Improving the Fidelity of Trace-Driven Experiments in Cloud Computing Systems, Summer 2024 (Meta)
- Lexiang Huang, Optimizing Cloud Efficiency: A Performance and Cost Perspective, Spring 2024 (NetApp)
- Adithya Kumar, Leveraging Heterogeneity in Designing Systems for Emerging Datacenter Applications, Fall 2022 (Meta)
- Morteza Ramezani, Systems Optimizations for Learning and Processing on Large Scale Graphs, Spring 2022 (LinkedIn)
- Shulin Zhao, Optimizing Energy and Performance for Next-Generation Extended Reality (XR) Devices, Fall 2021 (Facebook)
- Haibo Zhang, Optimizing Video Processing for Next-Generation Mobile Platforms, Spring 2020 (Facebook)
- Iyswarya Narayanan, Towards Maximizing the Efficiency of Datacenter Power and Server Infrastructure, Fall 2019 (Facebook)
- Prasanna Rengasamy, Tackling the Computation and Memory Needs of Interactive Workloads on Next Generation Platforms, Fall 2019 (Apple)
- Nima Elyasi, Extracting better performance from the Parallelism Offered by SSDs, Spring 2019 (Samsung Research)
- Cheng Wang, Improving Cost-Efficacy in Public Clouds: Optimal Control Subject to Cloud-Tenant Interactions, Summer 2016 (VMWare)
- Di Wang, Provisioning and Harnessing Energy Storage in Datacenters, Summer 2014 (Microsoft Research, Redmond)
- Aayush Gupta, Towards Smarter Flash-based Storage Management For Enterprise Workloads, Fall 2012 (IBM Almaden)
- Byung Chul Tak, Systems Infrastructure for Supporting Utility Computing in Clouds, Spring 2012 (IBM TJ Watson)
- Sriram Govindan, Optimizing Power Delivery Cost in Datacenters, Summer 2011, (Microsoft)
- Niranjan Kumar Soundararajan, Addressing Reliability Issues in Performance-Critical Processor Structures, Summer 2010 (Intel)
- Shiva Chaitanya, Addressing Performance Challenges in Secure Storage Systems, Fall 2009 (Network Appliance)
- Youngjae Kim, Design Challenges on Enterprise-scale Storage Systems Employing Hard Drives and NAND Flash based Solid-state Drives, Fall 2009 (Oak Ridge National Lab.)
- Angshuman Parashar, Redundancy and Parallelism Tradeoffs for Reliable, High-performance Architectures, Spring 2007 (Intel Corporation)
- Partho Nath, Content Addressable Data Management, Spring 2007 (Cisco Systems, Inc)
- Jianyong Zhang, Self-tuning Storage Systems for Performance Virtualization, Spring 2006 (Google)
- Chun Liu, Exploiting Multi-threaded Application Characteristics to Optimize Power and Performance of Chip Multi-processors, Summer 2005 (AMD)
- Murali Vilayannur, Run-time Support for Effective Memory Management in Large-scale Applications, Summer 2005 (Argonne National Lab.)
- Sudhanva Gurumurthi, Power Management for Enterprise Storage Systems , Summer 2005 (Asst. Prof. of CS, Univ. of Virginia)
- Gokul B. Kandiraju, Towards Autonomic Memory Management, Spring 2004 (IBM T. J. Watson)
- Yanyong Zhang, Scheduling and Resource Management for Next Generation Clusters, Summer 2002 (Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept., Rutgers Univ.)
- Ning An, Accessing Spatial Data on Resource-rich and Resource-constrained Systems, Spring 2002 (Oracle Corp.)
- Shailabh Nagar, Communication and Scheduling for Clusters: A User-level Perspective, Summer 2001 (IBM T. J. Watson)
- Mau-Tsuen Yang, An Automatic Scheduler for Real-Time Vision Applications, Fall 2000 (Dong Hwa Univ., Taiwan)
- Aniruddha S. Vaidya, Router Design and Analysis for High Performance Interconnects, Fall 1999 (Intel Corporation)
Postdoc (with first employment)
- Euiseong Seo, Sept. 2007-Jan. 2009 (Asst. Prof. of ECE, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST))
- Jeong Hwan Choi, Sept. 2007-Aug. 2008 (Post-Doctoral Researcher of CS, KAIST)
M.S. (with first employment)
- Aditya Patel, Compiler Support for Offloading off-the-shelf Applications to PIM Cores, 2022
- Hamidreza Zare, LEGOStore: A Linearizable Geo-Distributed Store Combining Replication and Erasure Coding, 2021
- Nader Alfares, Adapting Key-Value Storage Systems to Minimize Cost in the Public Cloud, 2019
- Aman Jain, SplitServe: Efficiently Splitting Complex Workloads over IaaS and FaaS, Microsoft, 2019
- Chetan Sharma, Design and Implementation of a Cost-Effective Linearizable Geo-Distributed Key-Value Store Combining Replication and Erasure Coding, 2018 (Microsoft)
- Farshid Farhat, Stochastic Modeling and Optimization of Stragglers in MapReduce Framework, 2015 (pursuing PhD)
- Paul Bily, Implementation and Evaluation of a Software-based Power Virtualization Technique, 2013
- Kanishk Jain, Quality of Service Benefits of Flash in a Storage System, Fall 2008 (Cisco)
- Arjun R. Nath, Fall 2008 (Intel)
- Dharani Sankar Vijayakumar, Implementation and Evaluation of a Storage System for Long Term Data, Fall 2008 (VMWare)
- Srinath Sridharan, Fall 2008 (Ph.D Course, U of Wisc Madison)
- Amitayu Das, 2007 (Cisco)
- Nandagopal Kirubananthan, Memory Energy Characterization and Optimization for the SPEC2000 Benchmarks, 2001 (Motorola)
- Balaji Viswanathan, OS Paging Issues for DRAM Energy Management, 2001
- Ajit Banerjee, Implementation and Evaluation of MPI over Myrinet, 1999 (Inktomi)
- Ajay Hampapur, Adaptive Subpaging Schemes, 1999 (Cisco Systems)
- Ji Jin, Techniques for Analyzing Range Queries on R-Trees, 1999 (Microstrategy)
- Rongqing Lu, Towards an Efficient Implementation of Parallel Spatial Joins Using R-Trees, 1999 (Inktomi)
- Nareshkumar Rajkumar, Design and Implementation of MPI for Myrinet on Windows NT, 1999 (Sybase)
- Rajagopal Subrahmaniam, Implementing Coscheduling Heuristics for Windows NT Clusters, 1999 (Unisys)
- Harsh Parandekar, Impact of Access Control Techniques and Subpaging Parameters on Application Performance, 1998 (Cisco Systems)
- Mangesh Kasbekar, pSNOW: A Tool to Evaluate Architectural Issues for NOW Environments, 1998 (Akamai)
- Dale Seed, MU-Net: Protected User-level Communication for Myrinet, 1997 (Intel)
- Manjunath Bangalore, Remote Subpaging Across a Fast Network, 1997 (Cisco Systems)
B.S. Honors Thesis
- Evan Driscoll, 2006
- Cheryl Jerozal, A Comparison of the Effect of Cache Size on Hit Ratio of Popular Cache Replacement Algorithms, 2006
- Jason H. Ganetsky, Garbage Collection for Content-Addressable Parallel File Systems, 2006
- Alan R. Effrig, Application-level CPU Energy Management for Handheld Devices, 2001
- James I. Bognar, LIONGUIDE: A Road Map Application for Handheld and Mobile Devices, 2001
- David J. Rudda, Impact of User-level Messaging Parameters on Application Performance, 1999
- Marc Khadpe, Simulation of Scheduling Strategies for a Network of Workstations, 1999